Global Catholic Education Report 2020
Achievementsand Challengesat a Time of Crisis
Global Catholic Education Report 2020
Catholic schools serve 62.2 millionstudents globally at the preschool,primary, and secondary levels. As thelargest non-governmental schoolnetwork in the world, the schools play an important role in efforts toachieve SDG4, especially in low-income countries. This reportdocuments some of the contributionsof Catholic schools globally, as well assome of the challenges they face inthe context of the current COVID-19crisis. The potential impacts of thecrisis and responses implemented byCatholic schools globally aredocumented considering bothdeveloping and developed countries.
This report was written by theauthor in a personal and volunteercapacity, and not as part of hisemployment with the World Bank. Theauthor is a Lead Economist with theWorld Bank and, as part of hisvolunteer work, a Project Managerwith OIEC and a DistinguishedResearch Affiliate with the KelloggInstitute at the University of NotreDame. The views expressed in thereport are those of the author onlyand need not represent the views ofthe World Bank, its ExecutiveDirectors, of the countries theyrepresent. Similarly, the views in thereport need not represent those ofOIEC or the Kellogg Institute.
This report builds on recent work bythe author published among others inEducatio Catholica, Estudios sobreEducación, International Journal ofEducation Law & Policy, InternationalStudies on Catholic Education, Journalof Catholic Education, Journal ofCatholic Higher Education, Review ofFaith & International Affairs, and aneditorial for a Caritas in VeritateFoundation report. Special thanks tothe Journal of Catholic Education forpermission to summarize in Chapters2 and 3 a more detailed analysispublished earlier in the journal.